

  • 11-08-2017
  • Elena
  • City:Istanbul
  • Looks10.0 / 10
  • Services:10.0 / 10
  • Communication:10.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:Sfeyz
  • Kiss:With tongue
  • Blowjob:Without condom
  • CIM:Yes, swallows
  • Sex:Active
  • Anal:No
  • Breast:Natural
  • Extra Ball:Multiple times allowed
  • Photo:Real picture


Elena tek kelimeyle inanilmazdi... bu sitede onun kadar iyi muhabbeti olan birini bulmaniz gercekten cok zor. isini severek yapiyor ve oldu bittiye getirmiyor kesinlikle. odaya girdiginiz andan itibaren cok sicak kanli ve ilgili. cok dilini kullanarak icten opusuyor ve inanilmaz blowjob yapiyor hani az kalsin daha sekse gecmeden bosalacaktim. seks ise anlatilmaz yasanir... surekli sizi pozisyon degistirmeye tesvik ediyor ve seks yaparken onun da zevk aldigini goruyorsunuz hissediyorsunuz, yani o yatakta odun gibi yatan amatorlerden kesinlikle ama kesinlikle DEGIL. eger hafif balik etli kizlarda hoslaniyorsaniz mutlaka denemelisiniz, size unutamayacaginiz bir gece yasatacaktir, benim aklimi basimdan aldi. birdaha istanbula geldiginde kesin tekrar gidicem.

Elena was just amazing... you cant find a girl with her sincerity and welcoming attitude. you can obviously see that she is loving what she is doing. she kisses using her tongue and the blowjob is absolutely amazing, i was even just about to cum without even having sex. and the best part is, the sex is even better her blowjob, she motivates you as you feel her enjoying it, and encourages you to change positions and even pound her. what an amazing, unforgetable experience. i will definitely visit her again when she comes back to istanbul


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