

  • 25-02-2010
  • City:Atenas
  • Aspectos7.0 / 10
  • Servicios:7.0 / 10
  • Comunicación:7.0 / 10
  • Reviewer:Manos
  • Beso:No
  • Mamada:Bareback
  • CIM:No
  • Sexo:Medio
  • Anal:
  • Pecho:N/A
  • Extra ball:Permitidas múltiples veces
  • Foto:10% mejorado en Photoshop


She is polite and friendly and very clean. She is not very professional yet (needs to be reminde to switch TV off). She responds positively to be kissed all over her body. She does not initiate kissing, but she will follow (she says..)
She is not a classic beauty but she is cute with nice dark brown long het.
Blowjob is average (she makes the effort) and if you move her hand she gets the message.
I only tried anal sex and she seemd to respond naturally (if there was faking it was really good) and she made it enjoyable.
Photo are genuine with more make-up than in reality. No doubt it is the same girl. As a choice she is above average (language comunication being the only big disadvantage) but nothing you will consider unforgetable.fellow


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