I met this excellent and difficult to be forgotten girl, some months ago. It was during her last visit in Athens. I don't remember the excact date, so, please excuse the mistake at the date of meeting and at the price. She was with another agency.
I met her two times. After our first meeting, I wanted to meet her again. And I did it. Ofc, times were different, spending money for an escort was much easier, than it is now. The friend who wrote the previous review, is absolutelly right. No matter what each one expects from an escort, Adriana overpasses the expectations. She is real, she has her limmits, she offers, she takes, she is just .. together. Her sex is great, her communication is great, her feeling are great too. Her moments are unique ones.
yes. Adriana is an experience that a man should try. Details are not so important to be published. They may be different for each one of us. But this overall taste of "a woman with a man" is something that make the difference.
I don't know if i will be able to meet her. Technical reasons. But also i m afraid. Because she is an escort. The absolute escort maybe .. but she is an escort. And an escort should be treated within limmits and conditions. But Adriana is for unlimmited and unconditioned moments. Hours. Days. .. and so on. Fairytale, myth, projection, .. i dont care.
Recomanded ... For tracing what escorting is, as our friend also said.
Στις φωτογραφίες είναι πανέμορφη. Στην πραγματικότητα, ακόμα πιο όμορφη. Τεχνικές λεπτομέρειες δεν μου πάει να γράψω, όλα αυτά έχουν προσωπικό χαρακτήρα. Ήταν εξαιρετική σε όλα. Αν και η αξιολόγηση ενός τέτοιου μίτινγκ υπόκειται σε καθαρά προσωπικά κριτήρια του καθενός, πολλές φορές είναι και θέμα διάθεσης, χημείας, συγκυρίας, θα έλεγα πως, πραγματικά, αξίζει. Προφανώς θα την ξανασυναντούσα.