Birçok kişi belki farkında değil ama biraz olsun Adult sektörüne aşinaysanız sektörün çok ünlü bir modelinin karşınızda olduğunu bilirsiniz. Bilmeyenlerde acilen tanısın. Ben kendisini zaten çok beğenirdim, karşımda canlı canlı görmek ayrı bir heyecan oldu. Karşımda tavır havalı birini görmeyi beklerken çok mütevazı ve sevimli bir kızla karşılaştım. Kapıyı açtığında ise kalbimi kontrol etmek pek zor oldu, o kadar güzel ve çekiciydi ki anlatılmaz yaşanır. Özel anlarda herhangi olumsuz vaka yaşamadım, çok keyifliydi, ne istiyorsam yaşadım. Naz gibi bir sorunla karşılaşmadım, tam bir GFE örneğiydi bizim buluşmamız.
Kısacası arkadaşlar karşınızda bir dünya starı var ama yanınızdayken arkadaşınız gibi resmen. Ramazan dolayısıyla 4 gün pek vasat geçmiş kendi adına. Bu fırsatı kaçırmayın, gerekli ilgiyi gösterirseniz, belki yine gelir.
Üstteki kısımlar İngilizce bilmeyenler içindi, biraz da hem Ashley hem de yabancı arkadaşlar için bir şeyler karalayalım. Sizlerde okuyun farklı detaylar bulacaksınız. Sevgiler.
My dear princess Ashley I want to thank you for being such a modest person. I feel comfortable with you after 5 minutes and we have so much fun. You music taste was so well for the ambiance. I am glad to fix your air condition so you won’t melt before going back :) Hope you enjoy you meal after I left near you. Hope to see you again don’t forget to contact me.
Guys you are with such a famous adult model. If you don’t know her I think you are dead up to this moment. Don’t miss the chance. She will be your dream from now on. Make your dreams come through. She is not a spoilt person she is so easygoing and friendly. We watched a funny video together and she was like a close friend. When you are with her you feel like being with your girlfriend. For the special moments it was a pure GFE. Her English level is enough so you can communicate with her easily. Her photos were professional because of her modelling shoots but she is exactly the same. She is fit and perfect. I love the way she looks, try not to fall in love.
Princess, love from the deepest of my heart. See you again and have a nice flight.
It is impossible to describe Milana in a sentence so I will give info in bullets one by one.
• She is a girl like you want to watch for your entire life. There is nothing she has to do, you will get excited at the first moment when you see her face.
• She knows that I call her like princess but when you visit her you can call her goddess. She deserves it without a doubt.
• Please be careful because you are with a very special girl. You feel like “Think twice when touching for not hurting her” because she is a perfect beauty. One more thing “Don’t fall in love”. That’s the hardest part.
• She is a former swimmer. She has a stunning body and a charming smile.
• Her long legs are another part that deserves a comment. They made me dizzy.
• Her skin is so smooth, you always want to touch her.
• Her lips tastes so good that is impossible to leave them.
• She is a well-educated girl and it is a pleasure to talk with her. Don’t think that she is a standard one, she speaks English so well.
• You feel so comfortable with her. She is the absolute choice to have GFE.