All of us have a fantasy; make love with two bisexsual girls.
They (Valeska and Milena)welcomed me very sincerely,
They had very beautiful and sexy black lingerie.They smelled so good.
To be with Milena is absolutely GFE, her small ass and vagina are very charming. She has medium-size breast but big-size nipple, all men desires to kiss her nipple. She is very active, she never stopped, she made love or she masturbates herself when we making love or she is kissing and licking all parts of my and Valeska's body. Milena is also a desirous woman like Valeska.
I still ask myself, was it real or dream?
Even if i miss you Milena javascript:void(0);
Milena is absolutely more beautiful and young her photographs
I would recommend to live this experience to all men
I wrote about Valeska her page.
Beyler genellikle web sayfalarında resimler üzerinde oynanmış oluyor ancak Milena kesinlikle resimlerinden daha güzel ve daha genç, narin vücudu küçük kıçı ve vajinası insanın aklını başından alıyor. Tam bir sevgili tecrübesi yaşayabilirsiniz, hayır demeyi bilmiyor, son derece aktif, bir dakika durmadı,ya sevişti, ya biz Valeska ile sevişirken bizi öptü, yaladı yada musturbasyon yaptı. Gerçekten inanılmazdı. Teşekkürler Milena, şimdiden özlemeye başladım.
Bu ikili ile aşk yapmak müthiş birşey, bütün erkeklere tavsiye ederim
All of us have a fantasy; make love with two bisexsual girls.
I still ask myself, was it real or dream?
They (Valeska and Milena)welcomed me very sincerely,
They had very beautiful and sexy lingerie.They smelled so good.
Valeska certainly is more beautiful than photographs. Her lips is amazing, her ass is incredible. She was like a sex symbol with her round hips and long legs. She didn't stop for a minute, she is very active, she made non-stop oral sex a half hour, i was tired, but she wasn't tired. I have never seen such a desirous woman.
I felt myself like the star of sex movies
Even if i miss you.
I wrote about Milena her page.
Beyler bu kızlar muhteşem, fotağraflarından kesinlikle daha güzeller, Valeska tam bir seks bombası, muhteşem dolgun dudakları var öpmeye doyamazsınız, birdakika durmadan sevişiyor, tam yarım saat bıkmadan oral seks yaptı, ben yoruldum o yorulmadı, uzun bacakları, yuvarlak kalçaları insanın aklını başından alıyor. Ben böyle arzulu sevişen kadın görmedim, sizi son damlanıza kadar içip bitirmek ister gibi, bir yandan sizinle bir yandan birbirleriyle sevişiyorlar, hala rüya mı gördüm diye düşünüyorum. Milena ile ilgili değerlendirmemi onun sayfasında bulabilirsiniz.
She is a fresh flower,
She is definitely a younger and more beautiful than your own photograph
She was wearing a very stylish and sexy black lingerie, She has a very nice skin, I can’t get enough of her gray-blue eyes and body,
Her body, breasts, everything is perfect and natural
She has excellent oral skill, very nice kissing, She is cute, innocent, polite, friendly, beautiful and SEXY. What else can a man ask for ?
In recent months, i did not see a beautiful YOUNG girl in Istanbul like her
Sagida, Alka, Caledonia, Vidana and Birgit, Birgit is the fifth Pearl’s girl who i meet, all of them have different characteristics, skills and beauties, I have never been disappointed with them, I would like to thanks to the agency (Pearl), the team is excellent.
Ahh Birgit ahh, I will never forget 120 minutes we spent together and your self-kisses while having sex